Sunday, May 6, 2018

Just like they have Cops, CSI, 48 and others to tell us their perverted, racist, bigoted, right- wing views and fake news about crime and justice, we need to write out our own script, produce our own films and documentaries to show the people and the world Our Story as well as to provide an alternative view of justice and how to solve and/or prevent crime. If jails and prisons are not the solution to the problems that the vast majority of white people have, neither is it for us!

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Alongside of the Drug War and among the strategies used to persecute Black Americans and poor people is the War Against Poverty. The War Against Poverty is another sinister strategy planned, designed, and implemented by the U.S. government that supposed to clean away poverty, integrate the people, and assure equality of rights but in practice ended up taking away funding from president Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society anti-poverty program and redirected it to law-enforcement, jail and prison construction. Ronald Reagan, both of the Bushes and Clinton administrations together built a Prison Empire that today holds more blacks than the plantation system in the old antebellum South. It is reasonable to conclude that America's perverted Drug War and War Against Poverty in practice constitutes re-enslavement and the forced labor of blacks on prison farms in this country. Indeed, this amounts to another form of slavery!

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The War On Drugs is American History! People need to be told the whole truth about how U.S. borders became saturated with dope, and that it was the CIA, Ronald Reagan and then vice-president George Bush that flooded American streets with dangerous, mind-altering narcotics with the intent to corrupt the morals of the people, especially Black Americans. Equally important too is for the American people to learn that after the government planned and influenced their corruption and addiction to drugs, drug distribution, and drug-related crimes of violence, it was the same damn government that then turned around and started a get-tough-on-crime movement, giving the states more resources to build jails and prisons, giving local governments more funding to expand its law-enforcement operations to go after its target: African Americans and the poor!

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In television programs like Cops, CSI, 48, the gangland channel and others, they show us stories about gang-related violence, drug-related violence, and how dangerous crime and criminals are on our streets. They would have us believe that the "victims" of poverty and inequality are the criminals who are our enemies and must be gotten rid of. However, what they don't tell us and will never admit to is the role that government plays in creating crime and criminals on our streets through its perverted policy on the War On Drugs, the War Against Poverty, the Iran and Nicaragua Contras drugs-for-weapons- program to undermine, vilify, and destroy Black Leadership and social chance movements.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Greetings FAM! My name is Ronald and I am an organizer working with Decarcerate Louisiana. I see that we all share the same understanding that the legislative intent of the 13th Amendment was to prolong slavery, not abolish it. The government would be fixed so that it would not only own the new institution, but even more so that it could systematically marginalize, criminalize, and imprison their primary subjects. Hence the shift from the plantation system to the prison system! More importantly, it is our highest duty to protect and serve the interest of our people. Our calling is to abolish all practices and conditions of servitude that threaten the humanity and dignity of our person(s). I propose that we seek to create a task force of authors, educators, film producers, organizers, activists, and others concerned about this historic problem to work on a consensus and statement documenting the legislative intent of the 13th Amendment! It would be great if we all can give this proposal serious attention and consideration in the interest of justice and fairness to the people. We want our Task Force to find the facts for the people and in favor of humanity! So while our movement for prisoners human rights continue to grow from inside to outside the prison system, we will have agencies moving in the political process with our demands for justice. How about bringing a Task Force into our movement to help us draw up the proper report and supporting documents for redress of our grievances? Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter! In solidarity, Ronald.

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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Malcolm X would never let the white-controlled media and police departments come to the hood to investigate crime and leave with the misconception that this is just a case of mere criminality, gangsterism, thug life, as if that was all there was to it!

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It's a damn shame that with all the so-called black leaders and organizations supposedly there to have our back, when the subject of crime and violence and prisons comes up, or even how to solve social problems, none of em' says what needs to be said! Its like they all deliberately become stupid as part of a plan to stay in one's place and not embarrass the government! This is why we have 2.3 million Americans behind bars! It's weakness, indecision, and cowardice!

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If you don't want to do it, there are some among our people that have the knowledge and courage to not only explain to the government and the world about what's causing the high rates of crimes of violence among African Americans, but the confidence as well to demand community reinvestment while showing the white boy the folly of prisons as being the solution to problems that stem from political and economic failures!

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When the white-conrtolled media tried to tell us about prison as being the solution to crime in the 1960s and 70s, MLK and Malcolm X and the Black Panthers stood up and explained to the world that this was irresponsible; that the crime and violence would be solved when the government support the people's rights to sustainable communities!

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It's amazing that we let the white-controlled media get on TV and tell us about all the murders and crime that's happening in our neighborhoods and no one takes a stand to educate the public about what's causing the violence, and what is the root of the problem!

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Truth About Crime

Science today has made breakthroughs in its knowledge and understanding of human behavior. On the subject of crime, we have course material in the sciences of psychology, psychopathology, sociology, criminology, environmentalism, and soci-political studies. In every single one of these sciences there is a general consensus that most of our street crime today that occurs in poverty-blighted urban and rural areas stems from unsustainable development practices created by policies that marginalize people. 

It is common knowledge today in the scientific community that both drug-related nonviolent crime and violent crime is a systemic problem and an epidemic that has become a problem for humanity. However, for systemic reasons, American public officials have downplayed the role of community as a solution to our social problems and has touted get-tough-on-crime policies that put our citizens in cages like these instead of community care facilities you see below that would seek to listen, diagnose, treat, and return people to society as useful, law-abiding citizens. For that matter, and if you had the choice of prison or community reinvestment to solve our social problems, which would you choose?

A Norwegian prison cell

A prison cell at Angola

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Call to “We, the People” to Unite Against All Forms of Oppression

We are asking students, workers, tenants rights groups, disabled people, women, LGBTQ people, prisoners, and everyone else to make time today to break through all the barriers, opening up closed doors of opportunity, and to raise critical questions. We need to examine U.S. wars abroad and, how our government prioritizes military spending over human needs and investments in the welfare of its citizenry. We are dealing with immense problems, the vastly unequal distribution of power and wealth in this country, institutional racism, police brutality, economic injustice, unsustainable development practices, the systematic criminalization and ongoing slavery of descendants of African slaves and other marginalized people, and how We, the People fare under this rule of law in our society!

So if you are a woman, a man, or gender non-conforming person, a student or a working class person, a prisoner or whatever, let's talk about the political, economic, and cultural issues we are facing today and look for ways to make common cause, support one another and be in the struggle together!

This coming year, the United States will spend an estimated 48% of our federal tax dollars on military spending, to pay for current militarization as well as past debt from military spending. In the meantime, our schools are failing, we have arguably the worst healthcare system among the wealthiest countries in the world, our communities are struggling to meet basic survival needs, and we incarcerated more people than all of the world’s other Prison populations combined. This is an outrage! We deserve to have our tax dollars support our communities, rather than spent on the militarization of our streets as well as warfare overseas. Join the conversation, add your comments below!