Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Truth About Crime

Science today has made breakthroughs in its knowledge and understanding of human behavior. On the subject of crime, we have course material in the sciences of psychology, psychopathology, sociology, criminology, environmentalism, and soci-political studies. In every single one of these sciences there is a general consensus that most of our street crime today that occurs in poverty-blighted urban and rural areas stems from unsustainable development practices created by policies that marginalize people. 

It is common knowledge today in the scientific community that both drug-related nonviolent crime and violent crime is a systemic problem and an epidemic that has become a problem for humanity. However, for systemic reasons, American public officials have downplayed the role of community as a solution to our social problems and has touted get-tough-on-crime policies that put our citizens in cages like these instead of community care facilities you see below that would seek to listen, diagnose, treat, and return people to society as useful, law-abiding citizens. For that matter, and if you had the choice of prison or community reinvestment to solve our social problems, which would you choose?

A Norwegian prison cell

A prison cell at Angola

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Call to “We, the People” to Unite Against All Forms of Oppression

We are asking students, workers, tenants rights groups, disabled people, women, LGBTQ people, prisoners, and everyone else to make time today to break through all the barriers, opening up closed doors of opportunity, and to raise critical questions. We need to examine U.S. wars abroad and, how our government prioritizes military spending over human needs and investments in the welfare of its citizenry. We are dealing with immense problems, the vastly unequal distribution of power and wealth in this country, institutional racism, police brutality, economic injustice, unsustainable development practices, the systematic criminalization and ongoing slavery of descendants of African slaves and other marginalized people, and how We, the People fare under this rule of law in our society!

So if you are a woman, a man, or gender non-conforming person, a student or a working class person, a prisoner or whatever, let's talk about the political, economic, and cultural issues we are facing today and look for ways to make common cause, support one another and be in the struggle together!

This coming year, the United States will spend an estimated 48% of our federal tax dollars on military spending, to pay for current militarization as well as past debt from military spending. In the meantime, our schools are failing, we have arguably the worst healthcare system among the wealthiest countries in the world, our communities are struggling to meet basic survival needs, and we incarcerated more people than all of the world’s other Prison populations combined. This is an outrage! We deserve to have our tax dollars support our communities, rather than spent on the militarization of our streets as well as warfare overseas. Join the conversation, add your comments below!